Trade in Health Services: Nurses

The CARICOM-CSME Unit has responsibility for defining Belize’ position through targeted research and lobbying, strategic implementation of agreements
The Latin America Unit’s primary responsibility is to increase market access for Belizean exports in the Latin American Market
The Trade Intelligence and Economic Research Unit aims to strengthen national capacity to engage effectively in trade development

What We Offer.

Trade Policy Development
Formulation of Belize’s foreign trade policy to boost Belize’s international trade portfolio.
Trade Agreements
Implementation of trade agreements for which Belize is signatory to.
Research and Analysis
Conduct detailed research from which critical analysis of Belize’s trade peculiarities emanates.
Trade Negotiations
Negotiate trade agreements on behalf of the Government of Belize with partner countries.
Trade Facilitation
Aim to strengthen national capacity to engage in trade development and investment promotion.
Private Sector Engagement
Engage the private sector as part of our policy formulation process.

WTO and Multi-Lateral Trade

Mandated to execute WTO matters nationally, with compliance and representation.

Latest News.

29 Aug

Trade Talks

The Ministry of Foreign Trade, led by Minister of State Hon. Dr. Osmond Martinez, joined Belize’s Ministry of Agriculture, Food Se...